SmartTowns has officially launched with the Town of Chestermere!
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The Municipal Dashboard celebration was first on the agenda of the recent retreat that included all council and directors. Chestermere was able to draft an informed strategic plan by leveraging the successes and areas of focus in the municipal dashboard. They were able to compare their performance against 40 similar sized municipalities. One Councillor described the results as “eye opening” while another found it “valuable information that I can express to the public”. A Director said, “to be able to compare with other municipalities is good when trying to come up with a strategy moving forward”. There was a positive energy after the presentation. The feedback was “highly engaging”, “informative”, “relative and relatable” and “useful”. Chestermere is now poised to be a leading municipality …. first of its kind in Canada.
Some highlights of the retreat here .
We are a fun company; spearheading a unique movement . . . designed to assist municipalities to increase their efficiency and deliver world class service to their community. We do this by blending foundational data that exists within your municipality together with public data to present a customized output report. This report offers meaningful organized information for new projects, cost analysis, or strategic plans. It provides leverage to your municipality, politicians, CAO’s and directors, by identifying areas of focus and high functioning successes