Smart Towns


**NEW** Who pays the highest and lowest residential taxes in Alberta?  Find out HERE

Is your municipality looking to move to the next level with budgeting, cost savings, benchmarking or just to make better use of your existing information?

To get your free trial contact

What are the benefits of using a database and web reporting tool?


  • The web reporting tool gives you access to hundreds of reports via any computer with an internet connection.
  • Each municipality gets a unique log in which means reports and information are only visible based on your log in.
  • Data is stored in one location in a powerful and agile database and is accessible without having to go through multiple spreadsheets.
  • When new information is added (ex. new year’s filings) it is instantly updated in the web reports.
  • Calculations are done very quickly.  For example if you wanted to see a cost per capita, it is a simple calculation in the database and then it is available for all municipalities in Alberta.
  • Exclusive to Smart Towns is a unique forecasting feature.  This feature calculates the average year over year changes from previous years to forecast what future year’s results would be.